Eric Lemieux, Press

What media says:








Eric F Lemieux, Photo: Martin Alarie 2011

March-April 2016 issue of American Record Guide.
“Eric F Lemieux’s record Ti Amo is a collection of short fragments of film music written from 2004 to 2013. Taken individually, some of these short pieces are striking, with tense rhythms, edgy harmonies, and bold, dramatic gestures. Lemieux is a talented guitarist and allows his abilities to take center stage in these snippets of film score. A few of the works are more typical orchestral cinematic music. Perhaps fans of Lemieux’s scores or the films themselves will enjoy owning this sampling. “

Michael Barone, Minnesota Public Radio, The New Releases, March 25, 2010
From French Canadian soil, a modern fusion of styles here, always based on a poetic urge … intimate, individualistic, and conveyed with inviting immediacy.

La Scena Musicale, Éric Champagne, juillet-août 2010, Eric F Lemieux, Three Suites for Guitar
Ces suites sont d’une grande fraîcheur et d’un intérêt constant pour l’auditeur. La fusion des styles et des influences marque ici un aboutissement surprenant. Le compositeur jongle avec les styles pour mieux évoquer son univers et son imaginaire, marqué par l’intimité, la poésie et l’intensité du présent. Le compositeur offre donc une interprétation en toute sensibilité de son oeuvre qui, sans être d’une virtuosité gratuite et flamboyante, est riche dans l’exploitation de l’instrument. À découvrir!
La Scena Musicale July-August 2010

Courrier Laval (Article)
There’s an article by Benoit Leblanc that was published in the Courrier Laval to present the two concerts I gave at the Maison des Arts of Laval the 16 and 23 october 2011. photo: Martin Alarie 2011
Courrier Laval (Article)

SPASM ‘09 – Critique: The Ante
SPASM ‘09 Oct 27th, 2009
“Je souligne au passage l’excellent travail du compositeur Eric F Lemieux. Sa musique évoque efficacement les classiques du genre. Les sonorités froides et discordantes, les notes soutenues dans l’aigu par les cordes et les interventions des cuivres en font une trame sonore réussie et digne des plus grands suspenses. Le fait d’avoir de vrais musiciens (l’ensemble Prima) rehausse le niveau…”

Radio show « C’est bien meilleur le matin », Radio Canada.
Audition of the piece « Souvenirs d’Amants » in the context of the Ciné-Kino festival.

Août 2019, Interview at Everyday English and Guitar This is a New link to an Interview I gave about my Guitar Music and compositions! I share about the challenges of writing in different contexts and for different sort of ensembles and projects.It’s been given to Classical guitarist Eric A Thorson All the Best everyone!

Interview at Revolutionthreesixty (January 2014)

R. Some feel there is no need to record classical music any more, that it’s all been done before. what do you tell them?

E.L. I feel there will always be a way to express music that has been written on a sheet of paper with a fresh approach, with different colors, different feelings. I don’t know. I tend to avoid categorizing things. I would put it this way: On the one hand there is a tradition where music is written as notes on the paper first. On the other hand, there is another tradition that comes from the application of recording, or improvisation first (electroacoustic, pop, folk whatever). And there are all other possibilities in between these two traditions. I can’t imagine where all of this will bring us in decades from now with the next levels of development in computers, some other technologies and more sophisticated software. I think it will be pretty amazing in the next few decades or centuries. Music may become more interactive with the listener and may take some new directions by integrating some other unknown aspects of reality. It may take us to a more direct or intuitive organic ways in its expression. We are kind of getting there with the interactive technologies available now but we are not there yet, I think. We are still very far away from the sort of freedom I imagine possible.

I don’t know what Classical means anymore. If it means History, I’m out of it… But I certainly think you can play an ancient music in a contemporary way.


Eric F Lemieux et sa guitare aux déjeuners Croissant-Musique 2011


Interview on taoïsm: Devenir un Poème Vivant 2007




Buy the CD:

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada





Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd amazon

ric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd centaur

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd itunes


Michael Barone, Minnesota Public Radio, The New Releases, March 25, 2010

Eric F Lemieux, “Three Suites for Guitar”: From French Canadian soil, a modern fusion of styles here, always based on a poetic urge … intimate, individualistic, and conveyed with inviting immediacy.



Eric F Lemieux