Eric F Lemieux News


Article : Alternate fingerings with inverted alignment of fingers 1 and 2 for better efficiency

Interview 6 – Eric F Lemieux JULY 13, 2021

Octobre 2019, The names of the flowers
I did the musical supervision on this beautiful movie of my friend Bahman.Tavoosi. The film is currently in official competition at the Tallinn Black Nights Festival.

The names of the flowers

Août 2019, Interview at Everyday English and Guitar This is a New link to an Interview I gave about my Guitar Music and compositions! I share about the challenges of writing in different contexts and for different sort of ensembles and projects.It’s been given to Classical guitarist Eric A Thorson All the Best everyone!

Download the interview (PDF file)
Interview at Constant Music Publishing


Concert in Montreal, the 28th of January 2018 !

“J’ai toujours pensé que L’Étude 12 de Heitor Villa-Lobos est l’une des pièces les plus « étranges » jamais composées pour la guitare. Elle est toute en glissements et en plaqués. Une étude sert traditionnellement à amener un aspect didactique pouvant aider l’étudiant à se perfectionner et devenir plus compétent au niveau de la maîtrise de son instrument. Villa-Lobos, dans certaines de ses études, a inventé des combinaisons de techniques inusitées qui ne servent nulle part ailleurs dans le répertoire. C’est le cas dans l’Étude 12, inégalée en fait de virtuosité à ma connaissance pour le glissé et le plaqué combiné en plus d’une utilisation frénétique de descentes et montées à trois doigts. Cette pièce se vaut pour elle-même et ne ressemble à rien d’autre l’ayant précédé. J’interpréterai cette pièce dimanche le 28 janvier 2018 en concert à la Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal. ”


You may reserve online from the 21 th of January. Tickets are FREE ! A 2 $ fee will be applied. Reserve here:

28 janvier 2018, 3:00PM
Maison de la Culture du Plateau-Mont-Royal,
465, avenue du Mont-Royal est, QC
514 872-2266
Montréal, QC

Montreal, the 4th of October 2016, “Three Guitar Suite“ published in Denmark
The Music Score for my complete “Three Suites for Guitar” has been published in Denmak at Bergmann Edition. It is possible to order full physical scores, download and print from PDF files.
Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada
A video produced by Allan Bergmann. A photographic tribute to Montreal. With my piece Lento.


“J’ai toujours pensé que L’Étude 12 de Heitor Villa-Lobos est l’une des pièces les plus « étranges » jamais composées pour la guitare. Elle est toute en glissements et en plaqués. Une étude sert traditionnellement à amener un aspect didactique pouvant aider l’étudiant à apprendre et devenir compétent au niveau du répertoire. Villa-Lobos, dans certaines de ses études, a inventé des combinaisons de techniques inusitées qui ne servent nulle part ailleurs dans le répertoire. C’est le cas dans l’Étude 12, inégalée en fait de virtuosité à ma connaissance pour le glissé et le plaqué combiné en plus d’une utilisation frénétique de descentes et montées à trois doigts. Cette pièce se vaut pour elle-même et ne ressemble à rien d’autre l’ayant précédé. J’interpréterai cette pièce dimanche prochain en concert…”


Sunday, the 27 of September 2015, 3h. PM
Maison de la Culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce,
3755, rue Botrel, Montréal, H4A 3G8 (métro Villa-Maria)
514 872-2157
N.D.G., QC

To be released: “TI AMO” an odyssey.

Coming up the 9th of October 2015 : I’m very glad to announce the release of my New Concept Album TI AMO. On the label Centaur Records, containing all of the very Best tracks I’ve done for film in almost a decade. Plus 4 supplementary unreleased original tracks produced with the help of my dear friend from Greece, the Great singer Natassa Mare Moumtzidou. From the brightest to the strangest, it is an odyssey!
Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada


Montréal, the 6h of May 2015, Concert


Montreal, the 7h of April 2015, FREE SCORE published in Denmark

A new publishing! The Music Score for my “Third Guitar Suite” has just been published in Denmak at Bergmann Edition. This house specialises in Guitar Music. It is possible to order, download and print from PDF files. For a limited time, you will also find the score Prélude for free.

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada



Montreal, the 6th of December 2014, FREE SCORE published in Denmark

For those who love Heitor Villa-Lobos Music. This is my Hommage. Recorded at Centaur Records. You can listen and download the FREE SCORE of my « Prélude (Hommage à Villa-Lobos) here: (For a limited Time)

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada


To access the scores, click on the link to see a downlodable PDF.

Montreal, the 24th of November 2014, “Second Guitar Suite“ published in Denmark

I’m very proud to announce that the Music Score for my “Second Guitar Suite” has just been published in Denmak at Bergmann Edition. This house specialises in Guitar Music. It is possible to order, download and print from PDF files. For a limited time, you will also find the score Prélude (Hommage à Villa-Lobos) for free.

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada


To access the scores, click on the link to see a downlodable P
Montreal, 19 th of october 2014, EL LOBO, The movie

No it’s not accordion, it’s bandoneon! I’m very glad to have been working with a renowned bandoneon player, Denis Plante from the group Tango Boréal. Here’s a New Soundtrack composed for the last movie “El Lobo” by the Toronto producer Stéphane Dirschauer: Listen to the piece ELSA : Inspired by Tango with a taste of Fusion Circus, an original cocktail, a New Sound. Buy the complete Soundtrack of the movie on Bandcamp for only a few dollars. Recording : Alexandre Pampalon (Surf Studios). À tout casser!

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada
Photo: Mikhail Petrenko


New York, Januariry 19th, 2014 Revolutionthreesixty

R. Some feel there is no need to record classical music any more, that it’s all been done before. what do you tell them?

E.L. I feel there will always be a way to express music that has been written on a sheet of paper with a fresh approach, with different colors, different feelings. I don’t know. I tend to avoid categorizing things. I would put it this way: On the one hand there is a tradition where music is written as notes on the paper first. On the other hand, there is another tradition that comes from the application of recording, or improvisation first (electroacoustic, pop, folk whatever). And there are all other possibilities in between these two traditions. I can’t imagine where all of this will bring us in decades from now with the next levels of development in computers, some other technologies and more sophisticated software. I think it will be pretty amazing in the next few decades or centuries. Music may become more interactive with the listener and may take some new directions by integrating some other unknown aspects of reality. It may take us to a more direct or intuitive organic ways in its expression. We are kind of getting there with the interactive technologies available now but we are not there yet, I think. We are still very far away from the sort of freedom I imagine possible.

I don’t know what Classical means anymore. If it means History, I’m out of it… But I certainly think you can play an ancient music in a contemporary way.


Montreal, the 7th of January 2014, New promotionnal Video

Happy New Year to All! This video contains a mix of favorite pieces for the Classical Guitar. From the most popular Jeux interdits, Prelude no.1 by Great brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, Danza Espanola no.5 by Spanish composer Enrique Granados, Aranjuez, mon Amour, a solo version of the very popular Concerto de Aranjuez arranged by the composer Joaquin Rodrigo himself. Also there is the Miller Danse by the well known Spanish composer Manuel De Falla. It also incorporates some on my own Guitar compositions: Prélude (Hommage à Villa-Lobos) from my first Classical Guitar Suite and the flashy virtuoso mouvement Fantaisie, wich constitutes the ending mouvement of my Second Suite for Guitar. Enjoy! Produced by Productions Qualia. I will play this program at Concerts Ponticello in the municipality of Aylmer, near Ottawa the 16th of February 2014.

Montreal, the 15th of April 2013 , For immediate release: Breaking Through

This compilation “Breaking Through” is the product of an international collaboration of Artists. A community and a philosophy, Antara was created in England by Annemarie Borg. It brings together the original music of nine composers and the works of art, poems, and contributions of international poets, writers and ecologists. Montreal based composer Eric Lemieux manages to create a gentle but uplifting atmosphere.
For more informations on this New Album I invite you to listen to this Podcast. Annemarie Borg gives an interview to present this beautiful project.



Vol de Nuit (scene 1)

Here’s a scene taken from the movie “Vol de Nuit”. This scene uses the same music than the Opening Title previously presented here. It is interesting to see how this soundtrack could be used in different contexts in the film. I composed this Music in 2011. It’s a dramatic film made by the Producer Stéphane Dirschauer from Toronto. Quite a interesting project to work on.

Vol de Nuit (Film Music Opening Title)
Here’s the Opening Title Generic for the Short Footage movie “Vol de Nuit”. I composed this Music in 2011. It’s a dramatic film made by the Producer Stéphane Dirschauer from Toronto. Quite a interesting project to work on.


Next Concert in the Montreal area:
Organized by Maison de la Culture Lachine.
Mes Musiques favorites pour guitare.

Sunday, November 18, 2012 – 11:00A.M.
Pavillon de l’Entrepôt (Lachine)
2901, boulevard Saint-Joseph, Lachine, H8S 4B7.
Contact : 514 634.3471

All details :
La Presse

Stewart Hall, 23 septembre 2012


Next Concert in the Montreal area:
Organised by Pointe-Claire Cultural Centre:
Eric F Lemieux, Mes Musique favorites pour guitare.

Sunday, September 23, 2012 – 3:00pm
Pointe-Claire Cultural Centre, Stewart Hall
176 Chemin du Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Pointe-Claire, QC, H9S 5T6
Contact: Stewart Hall receptionist: 514-630-1220, ext. 1774

Passes required:
All détais :
The Montreal Gazette (Article)

Courrier Laval (Article)

There’s an article by Benoit Leblanc that was just published in the Courrier Laval to present the two concerts I will give at the Maison des Arts of Laval the 16 and 23 october 2011. photo: Martin Alarie 2011
Courrier Laval (Article)


Next concerts at Laval.

Good news! The Maison des Arts de Laval just announced that the two shows I will be given the 16 and the 23 October 2011 are already sold out.

Maison des Arts de Laval
1395 Boulevard De la Concorde Ouest
Laval (Québec) H7N 5W1
16 et 23 octobre 2011 vers 10h45
450 667-2040

This is an interview with Serge Poirier at CIBL 101.5 FM Montreal given Sunday the 10th of July 2011. I talk about my inspirations, about some personal tricks to maintain this inspiration. I talk also about creation and interpretation.

Eric F Lemieux, interview, CIBL 101.5 FM 2011 by Eric F Lemieux – Composer



Le dimanche 13 février dernier se produisait Eric F. Lemieux à la salle Pavillon de l’Entrepôt à Lachine. Le compositeur-guitariste de formation classique contemporaine a donné une prestation très riche et virtuose de son œuvre. Il a aussi présenté à son programme des musiques pour guitare de quelques compositeurs de la première moitié du XXe siècle dont Manuel de Falla et le célèbre compositeur brésilien Heitor Villa-Lobos dont il a interprété un préludes ainsi que quelques études.

Pour l’occasion, une attention toute particulière a été mise sur certains éléments de mise en scène. Notons un éclairage subtil assez tamisé avec en plus l’ajout de lanternes chinoises sur la scène. Tous ces éléments ont contribué à rehausser la qualité du spectacle et aussi à maintenir captive l’attention de l’auditoire. Il s’en dégageait une ambiance intimiste assez chaleureuse, on pourrait même dire une sorte de renouveau par rapport à la formule habituelle du récital en musique Classique. M. Lemieux présentait lui-même les pièces au fur et à mesure et commentait l’événement. Une musique somme toute assez accessible et mélodique bien que tout à fait moderne dans son essence. M. Lemieux prévoit allier musique et danse contemporaine lors d’une prochaine série de spectacles.


Buy the CD:

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, Montréal, Canada



Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd amazon

ric-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd centaur

Eric-F-Lemieux, Compositeur, cd itunes



Michael Barone, Minnesota Public Radio, The New Releases, March 25, 2010

Eric F Lemieux, “Three Suites for Guitar”: From French Canadian soil, a modern fusion of styles here, always based on a poetic urge … intimate, individualistic, and conveyed with inviting immediacy.



Eric F Lemieux